Project E3 Webcast Series
Project E3 is pleased to present our library of webcasts on topics designed to improve vocational rehabilitation services for the most underserved groups of people with disabilities. Gain valuable information on a wide range of topics that will help improve employment outcomes and quality of employment for people you serve.
- Cost: Free!
- 3/16/2021 - Employer Perceptions Toward Hiring People with Disabilities
- 1/28/2021 - Evaluating Career Self-Efficacy: Research Findings
- 1/21/2021 - Social-Cognitive Career Theory: Research Findings
Archived Webcasts
- 12/3/2020 - Project E3: State VR Agencies Working to Improve Participation and Employment in Underserved Communities
- 10/29/2020 – New Hampshire Lessons Learned: Community Development Financial Institutions
- 9/24/2020 – Developing and Sharing Webcasts: Tips and Suggestions
- 8/27/2020 - Serving Veterans with Mental Health Issues
- 8/27/2020 – Employment Supports for People with Serious Mental Illness
- 8/20/2020 – Creating a Disability-Inclusive Work Culture
- 8/13/2020 – Customized Employment for Employee and Employer Success
- 6/25/2020 – Soft Skills for Employability
- 6/18/2020 – Trauma-Informed Care Mini-Series, Webcast III: Creating a Trauma- Informed Service Environment
- 6/11/2020 – Engaging Partners and Students in the Juvenile Justice System
- 6/11/2020 – Connecting Returning Citizens with Employment Resources
- 6/04/2020 – Supervising Remote VR Counseling Service Providers
- 5/21/2020 – Trauma-Informed Care Mini-Series, Webcast II: Healing Trauma
- 5/14/2020 – Innovative Job Placement Strategies
- 5/7/2020 – Remote VR Counseling Service Provision
- 4/30/2020 – 20/20 in 2020: An Intentional Vision of Job Development
- 4/23/2020 – Transportation Mini-Series, Webcast II: Ride Share
- 4/9/2020 – Financial Empowerment
- 3/26/2020 - Trauma-Informed Care Mini-Series, Webcast I: Key Aspects of Trauma
- 2/6/2020 - Instructional Strategies for Acquisition and Maintenance of Customized Job Tasks
- 3/12/2020 – Transportation Mini-Series, Webcast I: Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- 2/27/2020 - What Is Possible When Systems Truly Collaborate?
- 2/13/2020 - What is a Job Coach? An Overview of the Role of a Job Coach in the Workplace
- 1/30/2020 – The Effectiveness of Customized Employment for Transition-age Youth with Disabilities
- 1/23/2020 – The Discovery Fidelity Scale
- 1/16/2020 – Building Relationships with Employers
- 1/9/2020 – Motivational Interviewing in Vocational Rehabilitation: Theory to Practice
- 11/21/2019 - Motivational Interviewing in Vocational Rehabilitation: Foundations and Fundamentals
- 10/24/2019 - Lessons Learned from Wisconsin PROMISE: A Focused Look at Improving Employment Outcomes for Youth Receiving SSI
- 9/26/2019 - Part 6: Supporting Beneficiaries to Take the Next Step Toward Employment
- 8/22/2019 - Part 5: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Work
- 7/25/2019 - Part 4: Understanding the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program
- 6/27/2019 - Part 3: Title II Disability Benefits and Work
- 5/23/2019 - Part 2: Introduction to Social Security Disability Benefit Programs
- 4/25/2019 - Part 1: The Problem of Unemployment Among Social Security Disability Beneficiaries
- 3/28/2019 - Work Incentive Planning Services
- 2/28/2019 - Strategies for Effective Rural VR Service Delivery
- 1/29/2019 - Career Development & Employment Research in Rehabilitation