Work Incentives Benefits Counseling gives people the information they need to make informed decisions about work.

Work Incentives Benefits Counseling

What is Work Incentives Benefits Counseling?

Work Incentives Benefits Counseling gives people the information they need to make informed decisions about work. It helps them understand how earning money may affect disability payments, healthcare, and other publicly funded benefits. This information is essential to getting and keeping a job.

Why is it Needed?

Many people with a disability want to work or increase their income but fear that working will lead to a loss of their much-needed benefits. Social Security provides many work incentives to make it possible for people to earn more while keeping needed benefits. Benefits counseling can help a person make important life decisions.

How Does it Work?

Work Incentives Benefits Specialists assist people with disabilities make informed choices about how work will impact their benefits. They analyze a person’s services and benefits and explain to them how work will change their cash payments, medical coverage, and continued eligibility.

Tips for Success

Individuals may need benefits counseling services at several points in their career exploration and development journey. Services can be provided “just-in-time,” when they are most needed. These times may include when a person is:

  • Considering working for the first time
  • Thinking about increasing earnings
  • Considering re-entering the workforce
  • Developing a career plan
  • Actively seeking a job
  • Having problems with current benefits
Resources Roundup

Want to know more about how this employment strategy can be incorporated into your work? Check out these resources:

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Best Practices/Research

Project E3’s research summaries provide an “At-a-Glance” overview the latest research findings, as well as recommendations for best practices and how to incorporate them in your work.

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Strategy Use in Targeted Communities

Several Project E3 Communities used this strategy to improve employment outcomes for their most underserved populations. They include: