Training and Technical Assistance

Training and Technical Assistance

Training and technical assistance prepares vocational rehabilitation agencies and their community partners to empower people with disabilities to enter the vocational rehabilitation process and support them as they progress toward their employment goals.

Why is it needed?

People with disabilities who live in communities with depressed economies face many challenges to finding and maintaining employment, including access to:

  • Employment opportunities
  • Job search supports and services
  • Employability skills training
  • Appropriate counseling practices
  • Transportation
  • Financial Literacy Training
  • Work Incentives Benefits Counseling
  • Integrated and comprehensive services

Lack of access to these opportunities, supports, and services results in fewer people with disabilities participating in available vocational rehabilitation services that could result in achieving career goals and maintain quality employment.

How Does it Work?

Training and technical assistance gives agencies and organizations strategies and insights to better deliver appropriate services and comprehensive supports to people with disabilities. Training and technical assistance topics include:

Resources Roundup

Want to know more about how this employment strategy can be incorporated into your work? Check out these resources:

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Best Practices/Research

Project E3’s research summaries provide an “At-a-Glance” overview the latest research findings, as well as recommendations for best practices and how to incorporate them in your work.

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Strategy Use in Targeted Communities

All of the Project E3 Targeted Communities provided Training and Technical Assistance: