An Integrated Resource Team is an informal, customer-centered partnership between an individual job-seeker with a disability and diverse service systems. Its goal is to coordinate services and leverage funding to give the job-seeker comprehensive, wrap-around services tailored to their unique needs and employment goals.
It’s a federally recognized promising practice identified as critical to improving employment outcomes of youth and adults with disabilities.
Why is it Needed?
Job seekers with multiple disabilities and complex resource needs are often ‘bounced’ from agency to agency and are unable to access all of the services and supports available to them. The Integrated Resource Team process improves coordination and communication between service and support providers within and outside of the workforce investment system. This approach is effective in:
- Increasing access to intensive services for jobseekers
- Addressing multiple challenges to employment
- Improving employment outcomes
How Does it Work?
A customer with an established employment goal who is eligible for and requires services from two or more service systems can initiate an Integrated Resource Team. A Disability Resource Coordinator or other service provider may support the jobseeker in approaching and/or coordinating services to ensure that the employment plan receives necessary and available resources for the best chance for the jobseeker to achieve their employment goal. Team members should include:
- Jobseeker
- WIOA Title I staff
- Representatives from systems from which the jobseeker is receiving or in need of services
The Integrated Resource Team approach does not require systems level agreements or require participating service providers to change their existing service delivery models or outcome requirements.
Tips for Success
Before proposing the Integrated Resource Team approach to a customer, assess:
- Does their success in attaining their employment goal require resources beyond what your system can provide?
- What service or support system are they currently accessing?
- What other services might they be eligible for that are relevant to attaining their employment goal?
Want to know more about how this employment strategy can be incorporated into your work? Check out these resources:
Featured Training
Watch webcasts and get presentation materials.
Related Tools and Resources
Virginia DARS Project E3 Integrated Resource Team Resources
Best Practices / Research
Project E3’s research summaries provide an “At-a-Glance” overview of the latest research findings, as well as recommendations for best practices and how to incorporate them in your work.
Strategy Use in Targeted Communities
Several Project E3 Communities identified Integrated Resource Teams as a strategy to improve employment outcomes for their most underserved populations. They include: