Date recorded: August 14, 2020
Explore how youth with disabilities can discover their interests and preferences through the customized employment discovery process and how positions can be customized to meet both employee and employer needs and goals. Also, examine the process of an employer thinking outside of the box to customize a position to match how the client’s strengths and personality best fit the work culture and environment.
This webcast includes two pre-recorded webinars followed by an opportunity to ask questions and share what’s happening in your area with customized employment.
Webcast and Additional Resources
The Effectiveness of Customized Employment for Transition-Aged Youth with Disabilities
This is a live rebroadcast of an E3 Webcast aired on January 30, 2020

Jennifer McDonough, M.S.
Project Director, Virginia Commonwealth University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center
Customized Employment: The Strengths of a Sports Fan
This is a live rebroadcast of a VCU webinar aired on September 25, 2019

April Lynch
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Virginia Commonwealth University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center
Customized Employment: The Strengths of a Sports Fan
Q & A: Customized Employment

Vicki Brooke, M. Ed
Director of Training for VCU ACE, Director of Business Connections, and Director of RRTC on Employer Practices for Individuals with Disabilities
The original webcasts were funded under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number #90DP0085) to Virginia Commonwealth University. NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).