Date recorded: January 28, 2021

Integrating career self-efficacy into formal education and rehabilitation counseling interventions can prepare students with disabilities from minority backgrounds to develop robust and accurate career self-efficacy. Students with high levels of career self-efficacy are more likely to initiate job searches, persist in working toward goals, and achieve their employment goals.

In this webcast, you will explore how to use the career self-efficacy scale (CSES) to:

  • Customize formal education.
  • Tailor the bridge from education to career development.
  • Promote a smooth transition from college education to job market.


Dr. Madan Kundu
Chair and Professor, Department of Rehabilitation and Disability Studies
Project Director, CLAIM Southern University-Baton Rouge

Dr. Ji Rung Wu
Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation Counseling
Northeastern Illinois University

Dr. Randall Boen
Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation and Disability Studies
Southern University-Baton Rouge