employment plugin

An Employment Toolkit

The Lead Center has developed an employment toolkit for Centers for Independent Living (CIL) and American Job Centers (AJC) to promote employment and economic advancements for job seekers with disabilities. The toolkit’s resources integrate the knowledge and skills from both organizations: CIL’s on disability issues and community resources, and AJCs’ focus on training and employment.

This collaboration maximizes their talents and skills and improves employment outcomes for job seekers with disabilities. It supports their mutual goal: to generate employment and economic resources for people with disabilities who are unemployed.

Together is Better

The toolkit provides complete information about services offered by both CILs and AJCs. Checklists, guides, and fact sheets useful to both are included. The tools are thorough and easy to read and include:

CILs knowledge, combined with AJCs training and employment services, play an important role in countering myths and misperceptions that exist in the workforce and the community about people with disabilities and employment. Together they empower youth and adults with disabilities to participate in and contribute to competitive employment.

Employment Toolkit Downloadable Resource

Download Toolkit from the Lead Center